How do I possibly start to explain the past month - I have been so quite here, this is my first post since my wonderful long weekend away in Munich. And it’s the oddest feeling - I’m so used to blogging every day, but also I think I needed a little time away from the online world. There is something so incredibly freeing and refreshing about taking a slight step back and simply enjoying a city, a moment and company without the need to run to your computer and start blogging. I of course have been sharing what I have been doing on Instagram - but my gosh, so much has happened in the past month that I truly have no idea how to sum it up.
I mentioned in a previous Paris post that my days here run at such a slow pace compared to New Zealand - it’s as though time has stopped and it’s such a welcomed but odd feeling. I’m still juggling time zones with family, friends and work in New Zealand and Australia - but my days in Paris are completely unplanned, free and open. I met with a lovely new friend yesterday who summed it up really well - she moved to Paris from Sydney two years ago and said that she moved here to find a simpler life. A life where you enjoy the little things. And it’s so true - Paris encourages you to slow down and enjoy every moment. It’s wonderful. I think the true luxury for me at the moment is that I’m able to explore Paris at my own pace, I’m not in any hurry - I can spend an entire day in one museum, a whole day in a cafe catching up on work or simply walking around this magnificent city and seeing where it takes me. And it’s bliss, absolute and total bliss. And because I didn’t really come to Paris with a grand plan, it has been so nice to stop and see where this city will gently guide me to next in my life.
Which is my next piece of news…
I have met someone - he’s kind, generous, gentle and incredibly patient and understanding of everything that I went through last year. I don’t want to share a great deal as what we have is so special, new and something that we are taking one day at a time. But the past few weeks have been incredible. And yes, before all of the questions, it’s so strange to be dating again after a divorce. It’s new, different, scary at times, but it’s also so refreshing to have someone who genuinely cares about you and treats you as an equal, I honestly can’t remember the last time I have been this happy. I saw this quote a while ago, and it sums everything up perfectly for me at the moment.
The past month in Paris has been wonderful - I can’t even explain it - it feels like I have been here for a lifetime and I’m so looking forward to seeing what the next two months will bring. So with that said - I hope you all have a truly wonderful day planned, I’m off to enjoy a this beautiful warm sunny day in Paris (the first in well over a week). xo