​I have been trying to think of a way to end of 2015 - I just can’t. This year has without a doubt been the hardest, saddest, challenging and a year where everything changed and I am just so relieved that it’s finally over. Even though there has been deep sadness and huge stress, there have also been beautiful glimmers of hope, happiness and opportunities and occasions that would never have happened things had stayed the same. It’s in a way bittersweet, but even though there are still hard days, I know that it will be ok and my life is now going to be so much better than it was - and I of course, have so much to look forward to in 2016.

I’ve lost people who I thought believed would be in my life forever, and in turn gained friendships and new people in my life that I never thought I would have. I guess it’s that age old tale, when one door closes another opens. I truly don’t know how to sum up everything that has happened this year, it has been too huge. All I can say is thank you - thank you so very much to everyone who was there for me this year. To those who stood by me on my darkest of days and never ever gave up on me no matter how terrible it got, to my girlfriends who truly are my beautiful armoured guards (you know who you are, and I’m so lucky to have you in my life!), my parents I wouldn’t have ever been able to survive without you and of course each and everyone of you who so kindly reads, supports and follows my slice of the internet. I have been completely overwhelmed and so honoured by how many of you reached out, shared your story, helped me through mine and in turn became friends, or simply sent a message of generous support and kindness. I’ll never forget your kindness, and all I can say is thank you, thank you so much for helping me get through this year and supporting me on my Fresh Start.

Aside from going back to Paris, I have no idea what next year will bring. I know that I want to get Made From Scratch back up and running at full speed, work on projects that make me happy and simply, find my happiness again. I, and no one knows what the future holds, and for the first time in a very long time I really am looking forward to the unknown. Thank you again so very much for everything, I wish you all a truly wonderful New Year and I hope that it brings you and your family so much happiness. Here’s to a new year and a fresh start. x